Green Schools

Our school has three green flags. We were awarded the first one for reducing litter and waste and the second one for reducing energy. In 2023, we added the third green flag for reducing water use in the school.

Three members of the green schools committee attended the awards ceremony with Mrs. Dobie to receive our green flag for reducing water consumption.

Environmental Review

The committee completed a review to identify the initial position within the school regarding the environmental theme of water. They then repeated this review a year later and compared the results.

Water Audit

All water usage was monitored and recorded for a day. We reduced water usage by 3 litres per person per day.

Water Use Survey

The committee counted the number of taps, toilets, radiators, dishwashers, washing machine and other water points in the school. All of these water points were then marked on a map of the school.

Leak Tests

All water points were checked for leaks. The caretaker is informed and leaks are fixed as soon as possible.


Surveys were completed by students in order to gauge the general awareness of water conservation. We are pleased to announce that the response and awareness was extremely high.